Zapisnik sestanka sob 16. 3. 2024
Povzetek pogovorov
- pred sestankom: ogled polovice videa o namestitvi Forgejo preko GNU Guix
- pogovor o preteklih podvogih in načrtih o nadaljevanju
- paket multiple-cursors.el
- izhodiščna konfiguracija kickstart.emacs
- modalno editiranje: evil, meow, god-mode
- flyerji za naslednji sestanek? @lio oblikuje, obesijo: @noctua FF, @yang Poštarska, @g1smo CTK, @klar SCKR
- strojna oprema olimex
- kje se najde posnetek koncerta Townesa van Zandta koncerta v K4 jeseni 1994? Tukaj!
IRC chat log
20:28 * TOPIC Emacs users group Slovenia | Next virtual online
meeting on Saturday, 20 January 2024, 20:30 CET |
Next LIVE in-person meeting on Thursday, 1
February 2024, 19:00 CET |
(yang2!sid23779@fsf/member/yang on Mon Jan 8
23:01:13 2024)
20:28 * NAMES eggbot g1smo klar lio` matterbot sachac yang
20:28 * services. 328
20:28 <lio`> enkrat smo si pa crdt pogledal
20:28 <g1smo> dobrovećer
20:28 <yang> g1smo: Živjo
20:29 * johnnysitar QUIT Remote host closed the connection
20:29 <lio`> Should we speak in english?
20:31 <yang> lio`: sem pogledal zdaj
20:31 <klar> lio`: wow, interesting! I'm a bit sad that I haven't
joined earlier because I would've loved to check out
crdt with other people
20:33 <yang> klar:
20:35 * noctua JOIN
20:35 <yang> noctua: Živjo
20:36 <noctua> Živjo
20:36 <lio`> Well, we're "working on" (we have to learn first)
public emacs crdt instance for emacs user group
slovenia to use. Basically we want to write guix
container defintition that has emacs nicely
preconfigured with some functions available to publish
org files to html and to use it partially as our blog
as well.
20:37 <lio`> but as said gnu guix is sth we're trying to get into
w/ Jurij but with quite limited time
20:37 <lio`> I guess it will take a while before we have a working
20:42 <lio`> Malce sem zacel uporabljat multiple-cursors.
20:43 <yang> lio`: jaz pa sem si naredil default konfiguracijo po
vzoru emacs.kickstarter
20:43 <lio`> Oh, I've started playing with multiple-cursors. That's
one of the features that I use quite often in my
proprietary IDE I'm using at work
20:44 <yang>
20:44 <lio`> The other one is xdebugger, which @g1smo enabled a few
days ago on his emacs
20:47 <klar> lio`: Oh so if I'm getting this right, you want to
write a guix container config for CI/CD on codeberg?
But if that's the case, why use guix for it as it's
only going to run when something gets pushed to git?
Either that or you're going to host this container
somewhere for people to use. But then authentication
becomes a problem doesn't it..?
20:48 <lio`> No, it would be a standalone container everyone would
be able to selfhost
20:50 <klar> Oh everyone would selfhost it, got it
20:50 <lio`> Basically it would work as an etherpad but with
orgmode, so a collaborative writing tool that will
suppport orgmode
20:51 <klar> Ahaa, alright that makes more sense yeah
20:51 <g1smo> yes the idea was to make a very simple to setup stack
that gives you an emacs daemon with crdt and
configured for publishing org buffers to websites
20:51 <klar> Would this be hosted on a vps or would someone host
it on their own server?
20:52 <lio`> @yang - will you present emacs.kickstart on our next
in-person meetup?
20:53 <g1smo> we'll host an instance on our server and add
instructions on how to set it up on a debian VPS, for
example, in a few commands
20:54 <yang> lio`: I can say a few words about it, but what I did
is mostly "go-by-the-instructions" and there is not
much explanation about all those modules, except the
maintainer linked to their project sites
20:55 <yang> lio`: a lot of add-ons/modules are configured, but
without really knowing what they are used for ;)
20:55 <klar> Does anyone here use EVIL mode btw?
20:56 <g1smo> \o/
20:56 <g1smo> I do :)
20:57 <yang> me too
20:58 <lio`> disbelievers
20:58 <yang> :)
20:59 <klar> Has there been a presentation on it yet? Or modal
editing in general, something like meow or god-mode?
21:00 <lio`> I'm using spacemacs, but it is not the very compatible
w/ guix (guix comes with emacs packages)
21:01 <g1smo>
21:01 <g1smo> I'm using general.el to manage shortcuts
21:01 <g1smo> sort of copied what I liked in spacemacs / DOOM emacs
into my own configuration
21:02 <g1smo> haven't heard of meow before, looks interesting :)
21:03 <g1smo>
21:03 <g1smo> modal editing with emacs shortcuts, interesting
21:04 <g1smo> I am a little sad that evil mode doesn't want to work
with rcirc for me (yet)
21:07 <klar> God mode does the same thing as meow but "just works"
at least foe my brain. With meow there's still a bit
of a learning curve:
21:08 <klar> Meanwhile god mode can be grokked in a matter of
21:08 <klar> But I hear meow is more customizable
21:11 <lio`> gtg. Will someone write a record of the meeting?
21:11 <lio`> Oh one more thing - about the fliers. I can create
some tomorrow. What do you think?
21:12 <yang> lio`: yes, those are good
21:12 <yang> how do you print them?
21:13 <lio`> just normal printer
21:14 <yang> I wonder if there are places in Bežigrad where I could
take them to?
21:15 <noctua> I can put up fliers at FF
21:15 <yang> Maybe the Poštarska School
21:17 <yang> They have the telecommunication department, maybe
those students would be interested in using/learning
21:18 * lio` QUIT Ping timeout: 264 seconds
21:22 <g1smo> Sounds good
21:23 <yang> They are the only "technical" school in Bežigrad AFAIK
21:29 <g1smo> I can put one up @ CTK
21:29 <g1smo> maybe also FF (maybe we get some non tech members too
21:30 <yang> Maybe FDV also has an IT studies department
21:34 <klar> If I could somehow get the fliers, I could try
putting some up at SCKR?
21:34 <yang> Lio could send the link to the flyer on the mailing
21:37 * noctua QUIT Quit: ERC (IRC client for Emacs 27.2)
21:40 * klar QUIT Quit: Quit
21:45 <g1smo> pretty sure he will :)
21:49 <yang> g1smo: ali ti morda uporabljaš kakšen
21:49 <yang> V spominu imam, da si morda imel Teresov prenosnik ?
21:49 <g1smo> nimam, ne, imam pa pinebook pro (ki ga bolj redko
21:49 <yang> aha, ta je skoraj identičen ja
21:49 <g1smo> od olimexa imam samo nekaj esp32 boardov
21:49 <g1smo> arduino
21:54 <yang> Armbian si sprobal kaj ?
21:55 <g1smo> yes, super je :)
21:55 <g1smo> priporocam
21:55 <g1smo> sva intervjuvala pecovnika v tehno klistiru
21:55 <g1smo> (avtorja projekta)
21:55 <yang> aja? kdaj
21:55 <yang> mas link
21:56 <g1smo>
21:56 <g1smo> 4 leta ze mineva, huh
21:56 <g1smo> tud cvetan usunov, glava olimexa, je v epizodi :)
21:56 <yang> ja precej se razvija od takrat
21:57 <yang> fajn, bom poslusal
21:57 <g1smo> super zadevsna za boljsi linux furat na SBCjih,
katerih proizvajalci pogosto hitro opustijo
21:57 <g1smo> mislim da imam armbian na pinebook pro
21:57 <g1smo> pa na rockpi 4
21:58 <g1smo> (ki pa sem ga oddal za en umetniski projekt)
22:00 <yang> ja v redu je
22:00 <yang> imam na pine64 in rock5b
22:01 <g1smo> o najs, kako pa je kaj rock5b?
22:01 <g1smo> ce sem prav videl je nedavno dobil nov video driver
22:01 <g1smo> kasna 2 tedna nazaj?
22:02 <yang> v redu je, 16 GB rama 8x core
22:02 <g1smo> sem razmisljal da bi si kak server na tem SoCu
omislili za kompot, da vidimo
22:02 <yang> ne uporabljam ga za X
22:03 <g1smo> ja se mi je zdelo da najbrz ne :)
22:03 <yang> imam ga bolj kot mini server ja
22:03 <yang> ampak komot bi se ga uporabljalo za namizni rac.
22:03 <yang> Nvme paše gor
22:03 <yang> in potem hitro deluje
22:03 <g1smo> pecovnik pravi da je dost primerljiv z lenovotim ARM
laptopom (ki je sicer snapdragon)
22:04 <yang> ja
22:04 <g1smo> ja zato me zanima kako je kaj hitrost; kompot server
ima AMD Epyc 16 jedrni CPU ampak mamo kontejner na
RAID polju HDD-jev
22:04 <yang> ja lahko naredim kak testr, ce te zanima pa ti pastam
22:05 <g1smo> bolj sem mislil kar postavit nanj en nextcloud, ki
storage prek NFS zmontira iz "velikega" streznika
22:05 <g1smo> oz. vec storitev tako po/prestavit
22:05 <g1smo> en krovni storage server in vec redundant ARM "glav"
ki servirajo storitve
22:06 <g1smo> stabilno poceni in skalabilno :)
22:06 <yang> aha
22:06 <yang> ce te zanima kak benchmark pa povej
22:06 <g1smo> thx, sporocim
22:07 <yang> AMD Epyc, to je pa precej nov CPU
22:07 <yang> baje, precej zmogljiv
22:07 <g1smo> ja, imamo izposojen del streznika od enga clana
22:07 <g1smo> ampak diskovje precej bottlenecka pol
22:07 <g1smo> razen ce bi bazo v ramu laufali
22:07 <g1smo> ampak to je kar neumnost za produkcijski server :)
22:08 <yang> Hm veš kaj me še zanima, ali se da dobiti posnetek
enega 30 let starega koncerta iz arhiva RŠ ?
22:08 <yang> verjetno ni vse digitalizirano
22:10 <yang>
22:17 <g1smo> ni vse, ne
22:17 <g1smo> v fonoteki so stari trakovi in ostali fizicni nosilci
22:18 <yang> ta bi morda znal biti digitaliziran, ker je nekaj časa
krožil bootleg naokoli
22:19 <yang> zdaj ga ni več za dobit oz. če je kak posnetek,
vprašanje če je originalen
22:19 <g1smo> nek trak je s komadom "blaze's blues", nevem pa ce se
22:19 <g1smo> so kar snemali vcasih ja iz mesalk :)
22:20 <yang> 28 november 1994 je datum koncerta v K4
22:20 <g1smo> se najlazje mogoce najt prek ljudi, kdo je delal
takrat, povprasat…
22:20 <yang> sem mislil, da ti veš
22:22 <g1smo> ne, je ene 20 let prezgodaj hehe
22:23 <g1smo> en trak je iz 11. 1. '95 s tremi komadi van zandt-a
22:23 <g1smo> poleg pa se je brotzmann pa se nekdo
22:23 <g1smo> (sem skocil pogledat na hitro)
22:23 <yang> hmmm
22:23 <g1smo> so pa drugje se kasni traki ki niso v fonoteki
22:23 <yang> to ne bo to
22:23 <yang> brotzmann je saxofonist - jazz
22:24 <g1smo> vec jih je na enem traku
22:24 <g1smo> vprasanje ce ima sploh en nosilec celga koncerta
22:25 <g1smo> sredstva so od vedno omejena
22:25 <g1smo> tudi trak stane
22:25 <yang> potem imajo morda na Radio SLO
22:25 <g1smo> to pa je mozno ja
22:25 <yang> v njihovi fonotekiu
22:25 <g1smo> se da povprasat v arhivu morda
22:25 <g1smo> nevem kaksno politiko imajo za vpoglede
22:25 <yang> ok
22:26 <yang> hvala, da si pogledal
22:26 <g1smo>
22:26 <g1smo> milko poštrak bi pa morda vedel, je bil dolgo radijc
22:27 <yang> aha, ga ne poznam
22:28 <g1smo>
22:29 <g1smo> lahko pa še povprašam fonotekarja, vidim da je van
zandta pokrival v oddajah
22:29 <g1smo> nič, se tudi jaz odpravljam počasi
22:29 <g1smo> bom shranil tale log in spisal povzetek za listo
22:29 <yang> ok lahko noc
22:29 <yang> super
22:29 <g1smo> smo na vezi, bodi(te) dobro, vidimo naslednjič v živo
22:29 <yang> velja