Zapisnik sestanka čet 3. 10. 2024


org publish


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@Minervin cukec se je skoraj prijavil na spritely institute.

@jurij je pripravil lepo dokumentacijo v orgmodu. Tema: ReadTheOrg.

@lio je naredil file za belezenje sportnih aktivnosti v tabelah. Nima se capture templejta, niti funkcij, ki bi brale tabele in izrisovala grafe. Je pa vec tabel: plavanje, vaje, kolesarjenje, hoja, savna … Prvi cilj je narediti zdruzeno tabelo, ki bi prebrala vse in naredila tedenski pregled aktivnosti.

crdt issue

buffer je read-only za vecino povezanih.

Nikoli ne bomo izvedeli, kaj je slo narobe, ampak ce ugasnes in prizges Emacs, spet zacne delat.

"Po nekaj prepričevanja je lio uredil tudi ostalim dostop do pisanja"

diagnosktia RAM problemov

naključna sesutja spletnegar bskalnika in veliko errorjev v Guix-u ob prevernjaju hashov je zbudilo suvm pravilnost delovanja RAM-a. Zanimivost:e Dbian ni nikoli javil rerorja, čeprav je bil tudi ta inštalacija verjneto okvarjena. Memtest86 je orodje s katerim laohk preveriš morebitno okvoar RAM-a.

Mogoce tole pride prav: Tole pa res

Guix non-guix

Uradna nonguix navodila so fajn:

Sicer pa primer configa ki preverjeno deluje:

 (gnu system nss)
 (gnu services base)
 (gnu services pm)
 (nongnu packages linux)
 (nongnu system linux-initrd)
 (guix utils)
 (srfi srfi-1))

(use-service-modules desktop xorg dns networking)
(use-package-modules bootloaders certs shells ssh version-control emacs vim wm freedesktop xorg fontutils)

;; Autologin (ker imamo encrypted root!)
(define (auto-login-to-tty config tty user)
  (if (string=? tty (mingetty-configuration-tty config))
         (inherit config)
         (auto-login user))

(define %my-services
  (modify-services %desktop-services
    (mingetty-service-type config =>
                            config "tty2" "g1smo"))))

  (host-name "pnx")
  (timezone "Europe/Ljubljana")
  (locale "sl_SI.utf8")

  ;; Use the UEFI variant of GRUB with the EFI System
  ;; Partition mounted on /boot/efi.
  (bootloader (bootloader-configuration
                (bootloader grub-efi-bootloader)
                (targets '("/boot/efi"))))

  (kernel linux)
  (initrd microcode-initrd)
  (firmware (list linux-firmware))

  (users (cons* (user-account
                  (name "g1smo")
                  (comment "Yuri")
                  (group "users")
                  (uid 1000)
                  (shell (file-append zsh "/bin/zsh"))
                  (supplementary-groups '("wheel" "netdev"
                                          "audio" "video"
                                          "dialout" "users" "lp"))
                  (home-directory "/home/g1smo"))

  (packages (append (list (specification->package "i3-wm")
                          (specification->package "i3status")
                          (specification->package "dmenu")
                          (specification->package "st")
                          ;; sistem
                          (specification->package "lvm2")
                          ;; WM zadeve
                          (specification->package "sway")
                          (specification->package "swaybg")
                          (specification->package "rofi")
                          (specification->package "i3-autotiling")
                          (specification->package "waybar")
                          (specification->package "gammastep")
                          (specification->package "foot")
                          (specification->package "eog")
                          (specification->package "nautilus")
                          ;; Urejevalniki teksta
                          (specification->package "emacs")
                          (specification->package "vim")
                          ;; Razno
                          (specification->package "zsh")
                          (specification->package "git")
                          (specification->package "file"))

   (cons* (service gnome-desktop-service-type)
          (service network-manager-service-type
                    (dns "dnsmasq")))
          (service pam-limits-service-type
                    (pam-limits-entry "@audio" 'both 'rtprio 99)
                    (pam-limits-entry "@audio" 'both 'memlock 'unlimited)))
          (service tlp-service-type
                    (cpu-scaling-governor-on-ac (list "ondemand"))
                    (max-lost-work-secs-on-ac 0)
                    (ahci-runtime-pm-timeout 0)))
          (service thermald-service-type)
          (service bluetooth-service-type)
           (lambda (service)
             (eq? network-manager-service-type (service-kind service)))

   (list (swap-space
          (target (uuid "76019829-e8eb-477c-a08a-d2ccff3fcdd5")))))

   (list (mapped-device 
           (source (uuid "3020ad8b-ee01-49e2-8a46-3f66c902ef67")) 
           (target "sda3_crypt")
           (type luks-device-mapping))
           (source "dbn-vg")
           (targets (list "dbn--vg-guix" "dbn--vg-home"))
           (type lvm-device-mapping))))

  ;; Allow resolution of '.local' host names with mDNS.
  (name-service-switch %mdns-host-lookup-nss)

   (cons* (file-system
           (mount-point "/")
           (device "/dev/mapper/dbn--vg-guix")
           (type "btrfs")
           (options "subvol=@root,compress-force=zstd,space_cache=v2")
           (dependencies mapped-devices))
           (mount-point "/home")
           (device "/dev/mapper/dbn--vg-home")
           (type "ext4")
           (dependencies mapped-devices))
            (mount-point "/boot/efi")
            (device (uuid "3F44-75AB" 'fat))
            (type "vfat"))


Git zgodovina org folderja nalozena na github.

Pozor! git-remote-gcrypt vedno naredi force push.


git remote add origin gcrypt::<git-path>.git
# Za vec sodelujocih je treba dodat id-je njihovih kljucev.
git config remote.<remote-name>.gcrypt-participants "<id-gpg-kljuca>"
git config user.signingkey "<id-gpg-kljuca>"

emacs supercollider

@g1smo je navdušen nad tem kako lepo se da supercollider uporabljati iz emacsa.

random linux ni za navadne uporabnike prispevek na RTVSLO.


Author: Lio Novelli

Created: 2024-10-03 Thu 21:08
